![Real Estate Agency Portal v1.4.8 房地产中介门户网源码]()
Modern real estate portal application build with multilingual support in mind, robust, user-friendly and easy-customizations. has a purpose to showcase property listings, custom fiels for properties amenities and easy template-ing. Backend is fully responsive so no matter what device you use, it always looks nice! Elegant content management system with logical page structure is also embedded.
Real Estate Agency Portal 是一款PHP+MYSQL的房地产销售程序,国内和其相关的一个是二手房销售网站,但国内的在百度搜索一下看看,几乎都是分类信息,而本程序则和中介相似,用户委托网站发布房屋买卖信息,并且功能都非常专业!
文章最后由 reishi 在 2014-11-30, 03:33 编辑
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