顶点网 » 文章发布于 四月 2016 年 » 页 2
四月 22 2016年
DataLife Engine v.11.0 - UTF8破解版
DataLife Engine是一款来自俄罗斯的商业CMS系统,很多0day,Crack的站点都用此系统,在国外有一定的知名度,功能比较强大。
四月 22 2016年
Arwell V1.6 - GAG图片视频分享程序

Arwell is a 9gag like, viral media, gag and vine sharing application. It contains an extremely powerful and functional admin panel, where you can manage gags, categories, pages, widgets, users, comments and whole application.

Arwell is greatly documented and built on Laravel 4, Bootstrap 3, jQuery and SASS. It has facebook, twitter, pinterest and google plus share widgets, supports oAuth login, heavily ajax based, has realtime notifications system, and much more!
BeDrive - PHP文件分享和云存储源码破解版 v1.6 [更新]
BeDrive allows you to create your own self-hosted file sharing and hosting website in minutes with no coding knowledge. It has an impressive feature set that rivals and even surpasses current industry leaders such as dropbox or google drive.
BeDrive可以让你在没有任何编码的基础上在几分钟内创建出一个文件分享【自托管】的网站来。它有着强大的功能,似乎已经超越了部分同行,例如谷歌和 dropbox

