顶点网 » 文章发布于 二月 2016 年 » 页 2
BeDrive - PHP文件分享和云存储源码破解版 v1.5 [更新]

BeDrive allows you to create your own self-hosted file sharing and hosting website in minutes with no coding knowledge. It has an impressive feature set that rivals and even surpasses current industry leaders such as dropbox or google drive.
BeDrive可以让你在没有任何编码的基础上在几分钟内创建出一个文件分享【自托管】的网站来。它有着强大的功能,似乎已经超越了部分同行,例如谷歌和 dropbox
phpSound v1.2.0 – PHP音乐分享平台商业破解 [更新]
phpSound is a Social Music Sharing Platform similar with SoundCloud, that allows users to upload their music online and share them with the world.
二月 18 2016年
VideoShare V1.0.0.1 - PHP视频分享平台源码
VideoShare is a PHP Video CMS created to allow people and web developers to create and start(open) their own video sharing website. The CMS has high performance, responsive & flexible design and liteweight video uploader. Highly configurable with a contemporary design and native animation effects using CSS3, HTML5 & jаvascript. With VideoShare you will be able to create your own video sharing portal through which you can share your videos with other people and make money from advertising and affiliating.
VideoShare 是一个PHP视频分享CMS系统,用户可以在这个网站上分享自己的视频,包括创建、链接、自定义视频,使用了诸多流行元素CSS3, HTML5 & jаvascript等。可以通过分享视频获得广告等收入。
zFiles v1.0.5 -PHP在线文件分享平台源码 更新

zFiles is Advanced PHP Multiple File Uploader allows your visitors and your users to upload multiple files at a time. Also can share Files with other users or create a public link for anyone. zFiles was created for everyone that must constantly send or receive files. Created with HMVC PHP ( Laravel ) and the amazing Twitter Bootstrap, easy to modify and to understand..

