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二月 21 2023年

PHP企业CMS MaroCMS v3.1

reishi  2023-02-21, 00:00   脚本代码  232    付费  已测试 
PHP企业CMS MaroCMS v3.1


maroCMS MaroCMS 是一个简单易用、高效的内容管理系统,具有令人印象深刻的功能集。 MaroCMS 的创建是为了帮助您基于最流行的 PHP 框架 Codeigniter 的最新版本构建一个 100% 响应和独家分类网站。



Totally secured system (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
Login System, Admin control panel system with full options
Easy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).
Flexible and easy Control Panel to mange the website.
Friendly with SEO for website, blog and albums.
Awesome Design for Website and admin panel
Fully Responsive for Website and admin panel
Clean Code with hight performance.
Easy Customization
Trendy website interface included.
Home page includes: Dynamic slider images.
Dynamic slider images with content.
List of services
Latest 6 projects
Testimonials of your clients
Your Partner
About Us page with more details and the list of team members
Single page for each service with more features and related services
Portfolio page that projects filtered on services categories
Blog posts page
Single page of blog post
FAQs page included the the clients frequently questions with answer
Contact form to make your client reach you easily by adding list of contact information and your location on google map.
Comments, share and react for blog posts using disqus.
website settings(Logo, Favicon, Website Description, Personal contact information, Social media links)
Manage Search Engine optimization tools for meta description and meta keywords
Dashboard Analytics has summery of everything happen ( count of views and visitors, latest blog posts added, latest sessions added, count number for all sessions and images and blog posts with its categories).
About us Details with many features using text editor with full options
Team members in your company
Sliders and its Content
Adding another admins to manage website.
Services with more options
Partners of your business
unlimited general pages ex. terms, sitemap and privacy page using text editor with full options
Projects that you almost done with more details
Faqs with questions and answer
unlimited Blog categories
Unlimited Blog posts
Unlimited Services with more details
Unlimited ads otherwise google ds code or upload image and choosing its locations
Testimonials with more details
more amazing features is coming up.


Backend Framework: Built on CodeIgniter version 3
Frontend Framework: Built on Bootstrap 4
Requires PHP 5.6 to 7.2
Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
Supports SMTP Email, PHP Mail()


PHP企业CMS MaroCMS v3.1




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