顶点网 » 脚本代码 » AdLinkFly v3.6.0 - php短网址系统商业版
三月 08 2017年

AdLinkFly v3.6.0 - php短网址系统商业版

reishi  2017-03-08, 20:04   脚本代码  27070 
URL: http://adlinkfly.mightyscripts.com/
Username: DemoAccount
Password: password

Interstitial Ad Example
Stats: http://adlinkfly.mightyscripts.com/IgaZ/info

Stats: http://adlinkfly.mightyscripts.com/55yVTj/info

Stats: http://adlinkfly.mightyscripts.com/LB845kLq/info



引用: 更改日志

Version 3.6.0 - (Awaiting for CodeCanyon approval)
- Added: Membership Plans
- Added: Solve Media captcha
- Added: Different prices for desktop, mobile/table and both
- Added: Invoice System
- Fixed: Price rates don't update after changing
- Fixed: User shouldn't login with any social network if his account is deactivated
- Improved: Make full page script faster
- Improved: Cache home page counters for 1 hour
- Improved: Cache member dashboard statistics for 15 minutes
- Improved: Cache admin dashboard statistics for 5 minutes
- Improved: Display money wallet into member area
- Improved: Correct Facebook app permissions
- Improved: Allow main domain to be displayed into domains list if added into multi domain field
- Improved: Hide testimonial if no posts
- Improved: Move announcements to top
- Updated: CKEditor to latest version
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes

Version 3.5.2 - (26 January 17)
- Fixed: Login with social networks appears on sign up page although it is disabled.
- Fixed: Forbidden error after uploading the update files

Version 3.5.1 - (25 January 17)
- Added: Meta description for blog posts for better SEO
- Fixed: Error while redirecting to upgrade the database.
- Fixed: 404 error on referrals page
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes

Version 3.5.0 - (23 January 17)
- Added: New Cloud Design
- Added: Social Login with Facebook, Twitter and Google
- Added: Blog system with comments
- Added: Announcements system for members
- Added: Skrill payment gateway
- Added: Money Wallet System(Users can withdraw earnings to their wallet then use it to pay campaigns)
- Added: SSL Integration
- Added: Google Safe Browsing Protection for added links
- Added: PhishTank Protection for added links
- Added: Re-shorten URLs again without refreshing the page
- Added: Captcha for anonymous short link box
- Added: Login with username or email address
- Added: Close registration option
- Added: Add plain text format for developer API
- Added: Allow custom alias for developer API
- Added: Add example for JSON and text API formats in PHP
- Added: Top 10 Links within member and admin areas
- Added: "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy" to signup form
- Improved: Referral earnings
- Improved: Full page script use main domain instead of default short domain
- Improved: Move Email settings to a new page
- Improved: Display payment logos only on home page
- Improved: Hide multi domains dropdown if only one default domain
- Improved: Badge for the main language for pages, testimonials, announcements & blog
- Improved: Display PHP version warning message for PHP older than 5.6.0 into Settings pages
- Improved: Cache payout/advertising rates for each language
- Updated: bootstrap to 3.3.7
- Updated: font-awesome to 4.7.0
- Fixed: Statistics chart is not displaying well with 2017
- Fixed: User can't select WebMoney into their profiles.
- Fixed: Multi domain does not save correctly into the database
- Fixed: Data too long for column 'user_agent' error
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes

AdLinkFly v3.6.0 - php短网址系统商业版




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