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十二月 08 2017年

WoWonder IOS Messenger 1.3.0 - WoWonder IOS端源码

reishi  2017-12-08, 08:33   脚本代码  16841 


WoWonder Mobile Messenger是WoWonder社交网络的IOS聊天应用程序.
WoWonder Mobile Messenger用户可以使用我们的新应用程序在手机上一起聊天,现在聊天更快,更轻松,更有趣!
WoWonder Mobile很容易,安全,并会定期更新。



Send, receive messages.
Login with Social networks.
Regitration pages and steps.
Share & upload images, Sound Recourd.
Offline access to all messages and recent conversions.
Update chat status.
Explore New user’s & Friends.
Control Your Privacy.
Control Your Settings.
Change Profile information.
Explore user’s profiles and status.


Minimum IOS Version is v8.0.
WoWonder v1.4.4.2 or higher.
Free provisioning if you own an IPhone. Paid provisioning [Requires Apple Individual account].


Version 1.3.0 19/7/2017

Added full Push-notifications system for all kinds of notifications.
Added ability to send/reiceve contacts with users.
Added ability to send / rieceve stickers .
Added Empty state pages and offline pages.
Add multilingual system with auto detect android languish .
Added Empty state pages and offline pages with easy customization.
Added ability to display alerts , Toasts , success , errors, loadings , and more..
Added ability to handle image download and cache load and speed.
Added ability to handel offline mode and bad connections.
Registration steps: Added 3 new pages steps.
Welcome Page : New page added on the fisrt load .
Forget Page: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address.
Animations : added Animations on pages and items
Materials Design: Total new Design for the app
Verify icon: Added ability to see verified users on the chat activity
Add Full Documentation install and errors solving .
Fixed all reported bugs


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eRKHATG 密码: ruhe

WoWonder IOS Messenger 1.3.0 - WoWonder IOS端源码




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