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BeDrive v1.9 – PHP文件分享和云存储源码破解版
BeDrive allows you to create your own self-hosted file sharing and hosting website in minutes with no coding knowledge. It has an impressive feature set that rivals and even surpasses current industry leaders such as dropbox or google drive.
BeDrive可以让你在没有任何编码的基础上在几分钟内创建出一个文件分享【自托管】的网站来。它有着强大的功能,似乎已经超越了部分同行,例如谷歌和 dropbox
AdLinkFly v3.7.2 - PHP短网址破解商业版【更新】
Earn money by starting your own monetized link shortening service, just like adf.ly adfly clone, ouo.io clone, linkshrink.net clone or shorte.st clone! Allow members to shorten links & earn money, and keep a share of the profit. AdLinkFly includes a complete publisher and advertiser system, campaigns, referrals, withdrawals, API, translation ready, PayPal, Payza, Bitcoin, Webmoney & Bank Transfer integration, reCAPTCHA integration and much more!

文章最后由 reishi 在 2017-06-27, 21:39 编辑
编辑原因: 彻底破解可用,各项设置均无错。

PHP Live Chat Pro - PHP在线客服聊天系统【修复】
Live Support Chat. PHP & MySQL based. For any website. No monthly fees. Works with any website – HTML, PHP, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, OpenCart (any website with PHP & MySQL back-end)!


文章最后由 reishi 在 2017-08-17, 23:21 编辑
编辑原因: fixed some bug

XenForo 2.0.0 Developer Preview 7 - 知名国外论坛
XenForo 2.0.0 Developer Preview 7 is now available for testing. 预览版仅限测试使用。
WoltLab Suite Forum (Burning Board) 5.0.5 - 德国著名PHP论坛WBB
Burning Board® is the key to build up and run a successful community. The 4th generation of our established forum software provides an excellent user experiences using the best available technologies. Our structured and efficient administration control panel allows you to manage even the largest communities without great effort and technical knowledge. Benefit from our decades of experience and rely on quality Made in Germany.

五月 07 2017年
Online Dating Script v2.1 - PHP在线约会系统
Online Dating is built with the well-known PHP framework CodeIgniter 3.0.0. No need to have any programming skills to put this script live thanks to the complete documentation. The script will be often updated with new features and you will be able to get these updates for free once the item purchased. I also offer support for this item.

