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SmartBackup V1.1.2 - 一个直观智能的备份管理器

SmartBackup is a highly configurable php application which automatically archives your website’s files and database (only MySQL for now). In addition to keeping the archives locally, it can export those archives to a FTP/SFTP server and Dropbox account. You can also create multiple backup jobs which run at different intervals of time. You can specify a maximum number of backup archives to be kept (when a new one is made an old one is deleted) for each of your backup jobs. There are also email notifications!
phpSound v1.3.4 – PHP音乐分享平台商业破解 [更新]
phpSound is a Social Music Sharing Platform similar with SoundCloud, that allows users to upload their music online and share them with the world.

文章最后由 reishi 在 2017-08-17, 23:45 编辑
编辑原因: 增加了简体中文语言包

四月 13 2017年
Panda Resort v4 – PHP酒店预定系统

Panda Resort a web software to create and manage websites for hotels, resorts, spa. Web agency or just an owner of hotel, resort, spa, lodging or bed and breakfast? This CMS is built for you! Add your rooms. Manage your prices. Create original activities and tours, extra services and follow up your bookings! Pandao Resort uses Pandao CMS, a Content Managment System which contains a simple, ergonomic and complete admin panel which allows you to manage easily the content of your website coupled with an easily customizable template. Several new specific modules: bookings, rooms, rates, currencies, extra services and facilities.
Elite Video Player v2.0.6 - WordPress视频HTML5播放插件
Elite Video Player is modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end video player for WordPress that support advertising and the most popular video platforms like YouTube (single, channel, playlist), Vimeo, self-hosting videos (only mp4 required) and Google drive videos. Showcase your videos in your site across all browsers & devices with this unique and most powerful video player around.
三月 12 2017年
WoWonder v1.4.3 – 终极PHP社交网源码
WoWonder is a PHP Social Network Script, WoWonder is the best way to start your own social network website !
WoWonder is fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
WoWonder是一款轻量级的PHP社交网源码,适用于兴趣组、小团队,将The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform翻译成终极PHP社交网络平台似乎有点言过其实。
三月 11 2017年
WoWonder v1.4.4.4 – 终极PHP社交网源码

WoWonder is a PHP Social Network Script, WoWonder is the best way to start your own social network website !
WoWonder is fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
WoWonder是一款轻量级的PHP社交网源码,适用于兴趣组、小团队,将The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform翻译成终极PHP社交网络平台似乎有点言过其实。

