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十一月 21 2016年
BackupBuddy v7.2.1.0 - WordPress备份恢复工具
Easily backup, restore or move your WordPress site to another domain or server with BackupBuddy, the best WordPress backup plugin. Sites get hacked every day. Our passwords are rarely as strong as we think. And sometimes it doesn't matter. Sometimes we (or our clients) delete the wrong file or make a change that breaks something. Ever trigger a fatal error from a bad plugin? Crashes happen. But with BackupBuddy, recovering from a problem is quick and easy.

文章最后由 reishi 在 2016-12-06, 19:12 编辑
编辑原因: 更新下载地址

十一月 17 2016年
PHP Form Builder v2.0.3 - PHP表单生成器

Form generation with options for layout (horizontal, vertical, inline). Accepts any HTML5 form elements, including fieldsets, multiple selects, optgroups, button groups, ... Allows to customize HTML with wrappers, IDs, classes and attributes, jаvascript events, custom code almost anywhere. Default options ready for Bootstrap.

内置多种类型的PHP表单生成器,可以自定义样式表,基于Bootstrap css 和Material Design Forms还有jQuery plugins。
十一月 16 2016年
aMember Pro v5.1.3 -  PHP会员程序新版发布

aMember is the perfect membership software for selling digital products and downloads. Accept subscription payments, manage customer profiles, deliver digital content, integrate with your blog, forum, or CMS, send opt-in newsletters, run your own affiliate program — everything is easy with aMember Pro.

老牌优秀的用户管理程序!可以整合多个源码,比如WP Joomla vbb 论坛等!
十一月 15 2016年
Yoast SEO Premium v3.3.3 - SEO优化插件高级版
Yoast SEO 插件 这个插件是 Joost de Valk 和他的团队为了提供你的 Wordoress 在 SEO 所需的所有方面,这个 WordPress SEO 插件照顾更多的方面,比如技术的优化,首先帮助您编写更好的内容,WordPress SEO 迫使你选择重点关键字,当你写你的文章,然后将确保您使用该焦点关键字无处不在。
十一月 14 2016年
CMS pro v4.1.0 - 国外商业CMS系统
CMS Pro is the most intuitive CMS (Content Management System) that a web agency can implement for their customers. It’s perfect for small business websites and is really easy to use and to implement. The value of CMS Pro! is in its intuitiveness. With CMS Pro!, content management becomes as easy as desktop publishing .
CMS Pro是一款简单易用的国外CMS系统,使用它可以快速建立一个企业网站。
Picturish v1.4 - 专业PHP图片分享源码商业破解版
Easily create your own photo hosting, sharing, editing and management application in minutes. No Coding knowledge required.
十月 10 2016年
MP3 Gallery Script - php音乐程序

MP3 Gallery Script is music streaming and downloading script similar to songs.pk, djpunjab.com etc. The Script allows the site owners can create different albums under different categories and upload MP3 files.
MP3 Gallery Script是PHP音乐流媒体和下载脚本,类似songs.pk、djpunjab.com等网站。

