一月 17 2015年
Soso News Express 3.2 - 国外新闻类PHP CMS程序

Easy to install with the web based installer.
Powerful cache engine: The built-in engine caches dynamic pages and save as static HTML files, meaning zero database query for maximum speed.
Powerful friendly URL engine.
Advanced template engine.
Meta keywords, descriptions for website, categories and articles.
Ability to use separated templates for categories.
Automatically creating thumbnail and resizing large images.
Formating content easily with the WYSIWYG editor.
Multi-Level Access.

Woltlab Burning Board v4.0.8 - WBB商业论坛破解版安装包

Burning Board® is the key to build up and run a successful community. The 4th generation of our established forum software provides an excellent user experiences using the best available technologies. Our structured and efficient administration control panel allows you to manage even the largest communities without great effort and technical knowledge. Benefit from our decades of experience and rely on quality Made in Germany.
老牌商业论坛程序WBB,来自于德国WoltLab® GmbH 公司,该版本只有英文和德文语言包。纯粹意义的论坛程序!
SMS Verification & Marketing App - PHP手机短信验证的脚本

This app enables you to verify your visitors phone numbers, and make sure it’s a valid phone number. The verification is done by sending an SMS message, containing a unique code. The users can use that unique code to verify their number, and to access your locked content.


Hostbill.v4.9.8.NULLED.READNFO.iONCUBE-ECHO - PHP 虚拟主机销售管理软件

HostBill is fast and efficient client management, support and billing
web based software for hosting and online companies. HostBill can
make your life easier from client signup, through account automated
provisioning, support and billing to termination. Automate your
business with HostBill.

HostBill是国外Quality Software.开发的虚拟主机、VPS云主机、独立主机、域名及附加产品的财务管理系统,其界面人性化,授权相对WHMCS便宜,在功能和语言上,与国内的IDCSystem相比,IDCSystem更适合国人的思维和使用习惯,更适合是对WHMCS高昂授权望之却步的和对不通外语IDC商家的理想替代产品。
Woltlab Burning Board v4.1.0 Beat3 - WBB商业论坛安装包
Burning Board® is the key to build up and run a successful community. The 4th generation of our established forum software provides an excellent user experiences using the best available technologies. Our structured and efficient administration control panel allows you to manage even the largest communities without great effort and technical knowledge. Benefit from our decades of experience and rely on quality Made in Germany.
老牌商业论坛程序WBB,来自于德国WoltLab® GmbH 公司,该版本只有英文和德文语言包。纯粹意义的论坛程序!
一月 15 2015年
IdeaFeed v2.0.0 - 交互式用户反馈系统

IdeaFeed is a feedback system which allows for the collection of different feedback properties from live users through a customizable form based survey.

This system is an intent to collect useful information for further enhancement and stability of a website whether it be in beta or production level.

IdeaFeed 是一款交互式用户反馈系统,通过可订制的表单调查收集用户的意见以及反馈。从而提高网站或产品的不足。
一月 14 2015年
Ticketrama - Wordpress Helpdesk | Ticket | Support

Ticketrama is a template built by authors for authors. It comes to help the need of those who have to find a great system to support their items and feel that other engines come short of making them feel like their work is made easy. With a profile section, blog, ticketing system and possibility to use Envato purchase verification, this is the complete solution to your support managment needs.
FLATHOST V.2.2 – 虚拟主机附带WHMCS模板
FlatHost is a one page and multipage Responsive HTML5 Hosting Template with WHMCS Theme. Minimalist Flat Design. Highly customizable code. Full layered PSD included. Sections includes Features, Testimonials, Partners, Pricing, Sign in, Sign up, Domain Search, Contact etc..

MEGAHOST V1.6 – wordpress主机风格附带WHMCS风格

MegaHost is a clean and elegant WordPress template for hosting and corporate. This template can also be used for business websites, portfolios and blog. The CSS and design is flexible, easy to customize and modify.



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