十二月 04 2014年
Premium URL Shortener v4.2.1-专业的短网址代码

Premium URL Shortener is a PHP URL shortener script packed with many unique features. It has been built from scratch with performance in mind. Some of the features include geotargeting, premium membership, powerful dashboard and admin panel and a series of CMS tools to help you build your dream. Furthermore, it will keep getting better with each update!
十一月 30 2014年
vBulletin 5.1.3 PL1 inc Keygen

vBulletin 是世界上用户非常广泛的PHP论坛,很多大型论坛都选择vBulletin作为自己的社区。vBulletin高效,稳定,安全,在中国也有很多大型客户,比如蜂鸟网,51团购,海洋部落等在线上万人的论坛都用vBulletin。

文章最后由 reishi 在 2014-12-03, 04:11 编辑
编辑原因: 添加keygen方法

十一月 30 2014年
SmartBackup V1.1.1 - 一个直观智能的备份管理器

SmartBackup is a highly configurable php application which automatically archives your website’s files and database (only MySQL for now). In addition to keeping the archives locally, it can export those archives to a FTP/SFTP server and Dropbox account. You can also create multiple backup jobs which run at different intervals of time. You can specify a maximum number of backup archives to be kept (when a new one is made an old one is deleted) for each of your backup jobs. There are also email notifications!
十一月 30 2014年
XenForo 1.4.3 - 著名XF论坛破解版


十一月 28 2014年
ThemeTastic - Flat Responsive Drupal Theme

ThemeTastic is a modern, flat, retina ready Drupal 7 theme tailored for use by any business or creative professional. Theme Boutique teamed up with Damojo and Theme Punch, two of ThemeForest’s top authors, to create a mind-blowing Drupal theme loaded with templates and features. ThemeTastic comes packaged with the only Revolution Slider module for Drupal on the planet, written exclusively for Theme Boutique products. Check out the comprehensive list below for a full glimpse of what ThemeTastic has to offer.

文章最后由 reishi 在 2014-11-30, 06:39 编辑
编辑原因: 修改下载链接

十一月 28 2014年
Shopfine – Drupal 商贸主题
ShopFine is modern and clean Drupal Commerce Theme based on Bootstrap freamwork, and was builded with fully profile installation, get your commerce site in few clicks!


十一月 28 2014年
Hide My WP v4.01 – 没有人知道我在用WP

Hide My WP v4.01 – No one can know you use WordPress!
Hide My WP是一款Wrdpress的插件,主要作用是通过该插件可以将所有Wordpress有关的内容都隐藏起来,众所周知,WP是世界上使用量最大的博客,受欢迎的程度那是相当高了;但作为一款开源的程序,漏洞自然也会多,无论是主题、插件都会有一些漏洞,现在很多用户使用WP做商业类的网站,所以安全方面尤为重要,这款插件可以有效防止此类事情发生!


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