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二月 04 2021年

PDO Crud v4.8 – 高级 PHP CRUD 应用

reishi  2021-02-04, 16:20   脚本代码  34856 


PDOCrud是基于PHP的高级CRUD应用程序。 它支持Mysql,Pgsql和Sqlite数据库。 您可以使用PDOCrud来生成应用程序的前端和后端。 通过仅编写2-3行代码,您就可以执行插入/更新/删除和选择操作。 您只需要创建对象并为该表调用render函数,一切就会自动生成。 表单字段将根据数据类型生成。 您可以删除字段,更改字段的类型并可以进行各种类型的自定义。




Very easy syntax and just 2 lines of code for default crud operations
Generate forms directly from database
User access management
Nested table and Nested table in tabs support
Supports left join operation
Auto generation of insert/update forms directly from database tables
Change label name, hide label
Remove fields, Show particular fields, Change field type, change display order of fields easily
Many commanly used plugins integrated
Popup form
Multistep form
Export form data in pdf, xml, csv and excel
Callback functions for PHP and jаvascript
Ajax based submission
Addition of static fields like terms & condition, confirm password
PHP and JS Validations
Various settings and customization
Field encryption for frontend
Field addon, field description and tooltips
Different type of template support, by default works with bootstrap
Enqueue js and css
Add new plugins easily
Many different types of fields available
Multilanguage support
Data binding of field from another table/ array
Load dependent data on change of some field like on change of country, load states
Normal, horizontal and inline form type available
Add css class and various data attributes
Support for rtl by adding external css
Recaptcha and PHP based Captcha support
Google map support
Column switch option
Add new action buttons
Perform raw database related operations
Add filter(where) condition easily
Print and export in csv, excel, pdf
Search for all fields and particular field
Multiple delete option
Fast loading using ajax
Best practices and easy to customized
Login (Select) form validations
Various image functions (crop, resize, thumbnail, watermark, flip)
Import bulk data from csv, xml and excel file
One page template to show Form and Crud Table on single page
Advanced filter option
Send form data on email – various template customization options
Generate graphs/chart directly from database (beta)
Supports sql server(2012 or higher)
Generate portfolio format directly from database
Added formula function to modify fields before insert/update
Export database
Single table cell editing similar to spreadsheet


PDO Crud v4.8 – 高级 PHP CRUD 应用




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