![IPS Community Suite v4.6.4 - 国外著名商业论坛破解版]()
此论坛程序发展于2002年,初期叫做IBF(ibforums)、(Invision Board),后来改为IPB(Invision Power Board)、(IP.Board),后期又改称为IPS Community Suite。
其公司名称为 IPS(Invision Power Services)。
当时IPB 1.x版有相当多的第三方中文支持论坛,算是当年很热门的论坛程序,依稀记得2002年有个专门汉化的站和当时紫铜社区的VBB齐名。
虽然IPB 2.x版本还是陆续有新的第三方中文支持站来做,不过,总归一句,IPB论坛程序需要付费才能使用,注定了中文市场占有率为极少数!
本次发布的是4.5.2 破解版,由俄罗斯破解团队IPSiNFO破解发布
运行环境 Apache最佳;
内存 PHP中的内存限制不小于128MB;
的开头,加上:@ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
PHP 版本5.3+,推荐使用PHP7.x;
PHP扩展 推荐启用cURL 和 Exif;
IPS Community Suite 4.6.4
Released 07/22/2021
Key Changes
This is a maintenance release for Invision Community 4.6.
Additional Information
Added ability to specify ...&_bypassItemIdCheck=1 inside the request URL parameters to a Content Item controller to override the default behavior of checking if the item exists.
Fixed some AdminCP upgrade issues when PHP 8 is used.
Fixed an issue where Marketplace onboarding may be blocked when upgrading from 4.4 or older.
Fixed a jаvascript error that meant registration failed on sites using Invisible ReCaptcha.
Fixed missing profile field content missing on content submissions.
Fixed an issue where next/previous arrows would not show up when viewing multiple Images.
Fixed an issue where achievement badges are not always given.
Added the option to choose between the recipient and reaction giver when setting the milestone.
Fixed MFA/2FA issue where there was no close button for the 2fa modal
Fixed an issue preventing Marketplace installs of your own Marketplace resources.
Fixed an issue where Content Item Controllers returned 200 by default when they should return 404 or 403 (not found or forbidden).
Fixed some language evaluation issues when PHP 8 is used.
All buttons in #elUserNav now use the correct text color.
Fixed an issue where members were able to delete their own status updates without permission.
Fixed an issue where the Authy icon may not show on the login screen.
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to promote guest content.
Fixed an issue where the oAuth login handler setting "Ask the user to provide a display name" can be ignored.
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add meta data to items authored by guests.
Fixed an issue where \IPS\Node\Statistics can fail due to a missing column name prefix.
Fixed an issue where Admin log in can fail with a '"2S119/1' error.
Fixed a potential timeout when mass deleting guest content.
Fixed a PHP8 issue where promoting to Twitter fails
Fixed an issue in which the limit argument passed to contentImages() methods of various Content Item controllers wasn't respected
Fixed few missing language strings on the ACP - member profile page.
Fixed an issue where points for 'SessionStartDaily' achievement extension could be awarded even when a milestone had been hit
Fixed an issue where achievement rules for adding a comment would not trigger the milestone correctly when specifying nodes.
Fixed an issue where rank information would show with guest posts.
Fixed an issue with outgoing emails using native php mail function.
Added a Delete query as an upgrade step to remove old 'best_answer' notifications.
Fixed an issue where the cleanup task may show an error and fail to run.
Fixed a potential memory exhaustion error when generating the sitemap.
Improved how the forums statistics widget calculates number of posts on large communities.
Fixed an issue where rich text results may show an error for image only answers.
Fixed an issue where search stops working with a Pages database in specific situations.
Fixed an issue where transactions show a broken profile photo for a deleted member.
Fixed a rare issue where a payment via PayPal may not show the subscription option, or use subscriptions where forced.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to change a Subscription when there was an active PayPal Subscription.
Fixed an issue where an incomplete account may not prompt for missing data after using login handler via checkout.
Fixed an issue approving a PayPal Subscription transaction when it was put on hold by fraud rules.
Fixed an issue where the gift voucher navtab or page could result in an error under certain circumstances.
Fixed a broken link while managing Shipping Rates.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to upgrade incorrectly when renewals were removed, and the new package had upgrade set to pro-rata.
Fixed a race condition that can happen when Stripe sends a web hook request very quickly after charging a customer (renewals & device payments).
Removed "Print Invoice" option when Guests don't have access to the Billing and Purchases module.
IPS Community Suite v4.6.4 - 国外著名商业论坛破解版