顶点网 » 脚本代码 » Architect v1.5 – HTML 静态网站在线生成器【更新】
十二月 22 2015年

Architect v1.5 – HTML 静态网站在线生成器【更新】

reishi  2015-12-22, 20:07   脚本代码  25877 

Architect v1.5 – HTML 静态网站在线生成器【更新】


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    吾爱互联 ( 会员)

    2015-12-27 17:58 25 条评论


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    reishi ( 管理员)

    2015-12-25 16:56 1650 条评论

    引用: 吾爱互联

    2015 September 20 – Version 1.5

    - Fixed an issue where users sometimes would not be properly logged out without a full page refresh.
    - Fixed an issue with media manager not working properly on some servers.
    - Fixed an issue with icons manager not working properly on some servers.
    - Fixed an issue with linker sometimes displaying behind the browser window.
    - Fixed an issue with default language configuration option not working.
    - Fixed an issue with part of background panel sometimes not being visible.
    - Fixed an issue with element select box icons sometimes dropping to new line.
    - Corrected some issues that occurred if architect was installed in a sub-directory.
    - Fixed an issue with links to assets sometimes being stripped out from custom templates.

    2015 July 11 – Version 1.4

    - Completely redesigned the UI of architect.
    - Integrated code editors will now be draggable and resizable.
    - Fixed an issue with keybinds for undo and redo not working.
    - Fixed an issue with architect not installing properly if mysql database is in strict mode.
    - Fixed an issue with preview sometimes not working properly when navigating between pages.
    - Fixed an issue where libraries would not be exported properly if project had no custom javascript.
    - Fixed an issue with exporting project that had accented characters in their names.
    - Fixed an issue with google fonts not being properly exported.
    - Project preview images should now properly update after changes have been made.
    - Repositioned 'edit columns' button so it isn't in the way of clicking other buttons now.
    - Fixed an issue with 'filled database details manually' checkbox not working during installation.

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    吾爱互联 ( 会员)

    2015-12-25 07:24 25 条评论



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