![Hide My WP v4.01 – 没有人知道我在用WP]()
Hide My WP v4.01 – No one can know you use WordPress!
Hide My WP是一款Wrdpress的插件,主要作用是通过该插件可以将所有Wordpress有关的内容都隐藏起来,众所周知,WP是世界上使用量最大的博客,受欢迎的程度那是相当高了;但作为一款开源的程序,漏洞自然也会多,无论是主题、插件都会有一些漏洞,现在很多用户使用WP做商业类的网站,所以安全方面尤为重要,这款插件可以有效防止此类事情发生!
We all love WordPress, but in most cases we prefer to hide the fact that we are using a blogging platform for our entire business. From other side every day a couple of new security bugs found in plugins, themes and WordPress itself. Are we safe? Can all plugin authors be notified timely about bugs? Are all of them responsible for security problems they generated? or can we update our plugins everyday? Hide My WP created to help us. It not only boosts our security but it also allows us to have more beautiful URLs and permalinks!]
Hide My WP v4.01 – 没有人知道我在用WP