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四月 13 2019年

Simple File Sharer v3.30 - PHP简单的文件分享源码

reishi  2019-04-13, 14:16   脚本代码  20744 






- single file upload and sharing
- multiple files upload and sharing (since 1.4)
- drag and drop or just select file(s)
- autoupload
- progressbar and progress numbers
- mail sharing, ability to send to more than one recipient by closing the success message
- admin interface with dashboard, various charts and possibility to manage uploaded files
- ready to use ajax contact form
- built on bootstrap 2.3.2 (1 theme) and 3.2.0 (17 themes)
- responsive (since 1.4)
- ready to use faqs module
- easy to change frontend languages (English, Deutsch (Sie), Deutsch (Du) included)
- possibility to block list of extensions
- possibility to allow list of extensions
- possibility to disable direct file downloads (IP or session based), or to disable the protection
- display expiration date of files on download or deletion page
- autodelete depending on age
- autodelete depending last download (since 1.2)
- countdown X seconds befor download is possible (since 1.2)
- reporting files function (since 1.2)
- image preview of uploaded images (since 1.2)
- bandwidth throtteling on downloads (since 1.3)
- supporting mod_xsendfile (since 1.3)
- maximum age of downloads by uploader (since 1.6)
- maximum number of downloads by uploader (since 1.6)
- CAPTCHA protection (since 1.64)
- QR Codes (since 2.0)
- Bitly Short Urls (since 2.0)
- HTML emails (since 2.0)
- Social Sharing [since 2.1]
- Copy to Clipboard function [since 2.1]
- Display Upload Speed, estimated and elapsed Upload-Time [since 2.15]
- file descriptions [since 2.20]
- possibility to leave message for downloaders on download-page [since 2.20]
- file locking [since 2.20]
- multiple email recipients [New since 2.21]
- Adfly Short Urls (since 2.23)
- Google Short Urls (since 2.24) removed with SFS 3.30
- possibility to just allow admins to upload (since 2.26)
- ....


- mysql 5.x tested successful with MariaDB
- php 5.x tested successful with Apache and nginx
- php mysql ( < SFS 2.24)
- php mysqli ( >= SFS 2.24)
- working php mail function (usually a standard)
- enabled mod_rewrite and the possibility to use them (.htaccess)
- GD library for image previews and CAPTCHA module
- optional: mod_XSendFile (optional – meant for downloads of huge files) more info to mod_xsendfile: https://tn123.org/mod_xsendfile/


Current Version SFS 3.30 April 25th 2018

Update information/instructions are included

Updates V3.30 April 25th 2018

- fixed: some smaller php fixes and modifications allover (warnings and notices from the SFS Error Logger)
- added: showing message that jаvascript is required if jаvascript is disabled
- removed: Google’s URL shortener because of it’s conceivable end



features → Mod’s Front-End
• Login as registered user with email address and password
• Forgotten password function
→ User Mod’s Back-End
• Login as registered user
• Change email address and password
• Change user profile data (name, address, ...)
• Upload, delete, categorize files
• Create, modify, duplicate, delete file categories
• Assign files to multiple categories
• Password protect categories
• Password protect files
• Send file (download-link) information to multiple recipients
• Send category (download-link) information to multiple recipients
• Keyboard Shortcuts on file management page
• …
→ User Mod’s Download Pages
• Short Urls
• Zip support for file categories (if supported by server)
User Mod’s → SFS Admin Back-End
• Manage SFS-independent settings for file extensions, max upload size, recipients, file number,
• Create, modify, delete, disable, enable users
• Manage available space for each user
• Get overview of space and traffic consumption
• Set expiration dates for users
• Define sets for account durability and space for easier user assignments
• Extend accounts if they are expired or more space is needed
• ...

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EBlhPyXUuUvodSwriCOs_A 提取码: wav7

Simple File Sharer v3.30 - PHP简单的文件分享源码




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