顶点网 > phpSound v5.0.0 - PHP音乐分享平台
![]() 源码简介phpsound是一个类似于SoundCloud的社交音乐共享平台,允许用户在线上传音乐并与世界分享。用户可以在线分享自己创作的歌曲或者喜欢的歌曲!也可以本地上传和管理自己的音乐小样, 任何注册的用户均可分享,所有访客可在线收听! 程序自带收费会员,但支付渠道仅限PAYPAL。程序具有多模板、多语言、音乐背景播放等功能,适合音乐创作者们分享自己的作品。 在线演示官方前台 https://phpsound.com/demo/ 官方后台 https://phpsound.com/demo/index.php?a=admin 用户名admin 密码password 本站不定时关闭演示 http://phpsound.themez.cc 功能特性用户功能 播放器 The player gives your users complete control over the playing music, with next, pause, previus, repeat, volume and other functionalities. Stream Stream page keeps the user up to date with the new content posted by their friends, shows the online friends, friends suggestions and more. 发现新内容 Explore page allows users to discover new tracks based on the tracks tags, find popular tracks and even discover new friends based on suggestions. 曲目管理 The tracks page displays information about the song such as description, statistics, license types, likes, publish date, categories and comments. 个人资料 Rich user profiles with cover and avatar images, profile description, social network links, user tracks, following, followers, likes, playlists and more. 付费账户 Give your users more track size and total space, advanced statistics and even a pro badge with Monthly or Yearly account plans. 搜索功能 Unified search allows searching for both users and tracks at the same time. Search results can also be filtered by people, tracks and playlists. 统计功能 Allow music creators to know their audience with advanced statistics such as Plays, Downloads, Likes, Comments, Most Played, Countries, Cities and more. 分享功能 Share your music using the embedded player on any website, via the e-mail or on the major social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest. 联系功能 Your users can easily register and log-in on your website with a simplified registered form. Facebook integration also allows to quickly connect with just two clicks. 后台功能 仪表台 The Dashboard shows quick statistics about the evolution of the current day along with graphs of the last 7 days, site information and more. 网站设置 Completele website control with options such as Amazon S3 storage, Facebook registration, SMTP support and tons of other website settings. 支付管理 View or edit all the payments made and manage them with ease. The PayPal IPN integration takes care of everything even in special cases. 用户管理 Manage your users, view general account information, payments, reports and even delete or suspend them, everything in a few clicks. 举报管理 Built in DMCA copyright form and comment reports will protect your website from unwanted content with options such as suspend, delete or ignore reports. 套餐 & 支付 Make the monthly and yearly plans however you want, you set the price, currency, and storarge and the software takes care of the rest. 多模板 The built-in theme system allows to switch between themes in an instant, changing your website appearance to a fresh new look. 多语言 The built-in language system allows your user to feel at home by providing a quick way to switch between multiple languages. 网站统计 Get insight statistics of your website activity such as user registration, tracks & comments, playlists, payments, earnings, likes, plays and reports. 系统需求Apache 2+ (mod_rewrite) PHP 7+ (MySQLi, OpenSSL, cURL, GD, mbstring) MySQL 5+ 更新日志5.0.0 - 24 May 2019 Added Vibe Theme Added Venus Theme Updated jQuery library to the latest version Improved support for PHP 7.3+ 下载地址[reply] 国内下载 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KDEhmrKbtRz_RJaUTg98Yg 提取码: 6eht 国外下载 https://yadi.sk/d/ZB5iyW-q81aPIg [/reply] 安装方法使用phpmyadmin或其他软件将 phpSound.SQL 导入到数据库里。
打开目录 'Script/includes/' 下的 config.php, 进行相应的设置, 设置数据库信息:
保存后上传到服务器上. 个别服务器需要将下列文件或文件夹属性设置为777:
一切设置完毕之后就可以使用用户名admin密码password进行登录了。 返回 |