顶点网 > Foodomaa v1.8.1 - 多餐厅食品订购,餐厅管理和交付应用
![]() 源码简介Foodomaa是一个多餐厅的食品订购和餐厅会员系统。它提供了一个管理仪表板,餐厅管理系统,配送系统和功能全面的Progressive Web App。 在线演示https://demo.foodomaa.com/ https://food.themez.cc/ 功能介绍基于GPS和Radius运营的餐厅列表 基于GPS的动态送货收费系统 无限的附件和产品定制。 实时订单跟踪 送货和自取选项 多订单下达功能 信用卡,借记卡,UPI,Google Pay,PhonePe,Paytm,Stripe,Paypal,PayStack付款网关 社交登录和OTP注册 餐馆佣金和支付系统 订单取消/拒绝和钱包系统 系统需求PHP v7.2 or up, and the following PHP extensions: OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension 更新日志引用: 1.7.2-1.8.1的更新日志 Version 1.8.1 [06/04/2020] 1. Added Google attributions for Maps and Places APIs according to section Section 3.2.3(b) from https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/terms Version 1.8.0 [05/04/2020] 1. Fixed on creating new promo slider, not able to save with custom URL. 2. Fixed Restaurant Category Slider assigning restaurants. 3. Increased the length of Order ID 4. Added error messages when the installation fails. (For AWS, GCloud permission issues) 5. Fixed ordering form closed Restaurant (Added new message on Cart, if the Restaurant is closed and user have items in the Cart from a closed restaurant) 6. The user's set location shown on the homepage will now display the "Tag" or the "Flat/Apartment Address" rather than showing Locality from Google Maps Data. 7. English is now made as default translation and will be auto-installed only during the first installation. 8. Added Ripple Effect to Promo Sliders on Click and on Touch/Hold. 9. Added new settings in Admin to control time formats for Customer/Delivery Application. (Admin >Settings > General > Beautify Date/Time 10. Minimum Order Value can now be set for each Restaurant. 11. [NEW] Alerts page. All the push notifications will be shown on this page, even if it is not successfully delivered. (Even on iOS) 12. Added ability to send notifications/alerts to specific users (Admin > Extras > Send Push Notifications) 13. Added ability to send alerts to users when their waller is updated from the Admin Dashboard. 14. Added ability to make the currency symbol align to Left/Right in Customer/Delivery app. (Admin > Settings > General > Currency Symbol Alignment) 15. Fixed iOS issues for Item's Customization popup screen. 16. Fixed back-button error after order placed successfully (Now redirects to My-Orders page) 17. Removed progressive image loading for Restaurant and Item images. (Saves bandwidth and reduces server load significantly) 18. Removed bloated animations when sliding through the Items list. 19. Added fade animations for Restaurant/Item images. 20. Added Lazy Loading of restaurants on the homepage. 21. Removed some unused packages and code bloat from old unused components. 22. Improved performance for lower-end phones. 23. App first load speed increased by 12%, App smoothness increased by 50%. Version 1.7.2 [16/03/2020] 1. Default country code bug fix. 2. Made address field mandatory in the location selection page. 3. Added a new custom block for the login/registration page. (Admin > Extras > Translations > Edit Language > Login/Registration Policy Message) 4. All locations saved by the users are now also shown in the Location Selection page. 5. iOS 13 delivery guy location sharing fixed (if white-screen appears on the delivery application after login, email at stackcanyon@gmail.com) 6. Optimized some components for better performance. 7. Application Loading Speed increased by 5% 8. Removed passwords and other critical credentials from the debug screen. (when Development Mode enabled) 下载地址安装方法使用之前先给域名配置ssl证书 1.建立MySQL数据库并导入 foodoma.sql 2. 上传 foodoma-1.7.2-nulled 文件夹内的内容去服务器 3. 编辑 .env (根目录) 输入玉米和数据库信息: APP_URL=https://替换你的域名/public DB_DATABASE=数据库名 DB_USERNAME=数据库用户名 DB_PASSWORD=数据库密码 4. 编辑: ../app/Http/Controllers/AdminController.php 文件 搜索: https://adeodato.com.br 改成你的网址. 5. 编辑: ..static/js/main.702a5438.chunk.js 文件 搜索: https://adeodato.com.br 改成你的网址. 6. 使用下面信息登录: Username: admin@demo.com Password: password 7.登录后台清理缓存 Admin > Settings > Cache Settings > Force Clear Cache 返回 |