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七月 15 2024年
Architect v3.0.3 - HTML网站在线生成器

Architect是功能强大且易于使用的HTML静态网站在线生成器,它除了具有HTML静态网站在线生成的功能,同时还提供独特的功能,如主题和模板的选择,干净整洁的代码,最佳的可视化CSS和图像编辑器 以及更多更多的功能。

文章最后由 reishi 在 2024-07-15, 22:11 编辑
编辑原因: 更新版本至v3.0.3

Architect v1.7 – HTML 静态网站在线生成器【更新】
Architect is the most powerful and easy to use site and html builder not only on codecanyon, but probably on the internet as well. It has all the features you would except from a site builder, while also offering exclusive ones like themes & templates, closely integrated code editors, the best visual css and image editor around and much more.
Architect v1.5 – HTML 静态网站在线生成器【更新】
Architect is the most powerful and easy to use site and html builder not only on codecanyon, but probably on the internet as well. It has all the features you would except from a site builder, while also offering exclusive ones like themes & templates, closely integrated code editors, the best visual css and image editor around and much more.
十月 14 2015年
Architect v1.3 – HTML 静态网站在线生成器

Architect is the most powerful and easy to use site and html builder not only on codecanyon, but probably on the internet as well. It has all the features you would except from a site builder, while also offering exclusive ones like themes & templates, closely integrated code editors, the best visual css and image editor around and much more.

文章最后由 reishi 在 2015-10-19, 00:22 编辑
编辑原因: 编辑下载地址

