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五月 29 2024年
Cloudify v1.0.1 - 自托管PHP文件管理器和云存储

Cloudify是一个自托管的文件管理器和云存储软件,允许你托管自己的云存储服务器。它是Dropbox,Google Drive和其他云存储服务的替代品。
Cloudify使用Laravel框架,jQuery和Bootstrap CSS构建。它是一个现代且强大的文件管理器,允许你上传、下载、预览和与你的团队或客户分享文件。
三月 24 2024年

Premium Media Script v1.6.2 开心版

reishi  2024-03-24, 00:00   脚本代码   88  已测试 
Premium Media Script v1.6.2 开心版

十一月 02 2018年
Ninja Media Script V2.0.5 - 有趣的媒体分享程序

Ninja Media Script是一个用于创建新闻和媒体分享网站的脚本。功能包括:多媒体下载,用户身份验证,Facebook和Google登录,用户配置文件,评论,喜欢,管理面板,多种配色方案,页面,NSFW功能, 更多......

文章最后由 reishi 在 2018-12-06, 21:34 编辑
编辑原因: 添加后台默认登录信息

十月 29 2017年
Clooud v1.4.0 - 专业级媒体分享系统
Clooud is media sharing platform that allows you to close the gap to social media! The design and settings can easily be customized and configured, so Clooud will feel your own. We are the first and only media sharing platform on Codecanyon that features an affiliate system. Encourage your users to upload media and give back from the ad revenue you make. If needed it can easily be used as a blogging platform as well!
四月 22 2016年
Arwell V1.6 - GAG图片视频分享程序

Arwell is a 9gag like, viral media, gag and vine sharing application. It contains an extremely powerful and functional admin panel, where you can manage gags, categories, pages, widgets, users, comments and whole application.

Arwell is greatly documented and built on Laravel 4, Bootstrap 3, jQuery and SASS. It has facebook, twitter, pinterest and google plus share widgets, supports oAuth login, heavily ajax based, has realtime notifications system, and much more!
二月 11 2015年
Ninja Media Script - 有趣的媒体分享程序

Ninja Media Script is a Viral Fun Media Sharing Script. This script is super easy to install and customize to make it your own. Users can sign up with Facebook, Google, or Email. This script allows users to upload and like Videos, GIFs, and any other kind of images. Full video support for YouTube, Vimeo, and Vine.
Ninja Media Script 是一个分享视频、图片等有趣媒体的网站程序,易于安装和自定义是程序的亮点,用户可以使用Facebook, Google, 或 Email等社交账户直接登录,允许用户上传分享视频、动态图片和幽默搞笑的图片。程序支持YouTube, Vimeo, 和 Vine网址直接发布!

