十一月 01 2017年
Hide My WP v5.5.4 – Wordpress隐藏插件
Hide My WP是一款Wrdpress的插件,主要作用是通过该插件可以将所有Wordpress有关的内容都隐藏起来,众所周知,WP是世界上使用量最大的博客,受欢迎的程度那是相当高了;但作为一款开源的程序,漏洞自然也会多,无论是主题、插件都会有一些漏洞,现在很多用户使用WP做商业类的网站,所以安全方面尤为重要,这款插件可以有效防止此类事情发生!
Visual Composer v5.4.2 - WordPress 页面编辑器商业

Visual Composer WordPress插件,是一款可视化页面搭建插件。

Elite Video Player v2.0.6 - WordPress视频HTML5播放插件
Elite Video Player is modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end video player for WordPress that support advertising and the most popular video platforms like YouTube (single, channel, playlist), Vimeo, self-hosting videos (only mp4 required) and Google drive videos. Showcase your videos in your site across all browsers & devices with this unique and most powerful video player around.
十一月 21 2016年
BackupBuddy v7.2.1.0 - WordPress备份恢复工具
Easily backup, restore or move your WordPress site to another domain or server with BackupBuddy, the best WordPress backup plugin. Sites get hacked every day. Our passwords are rarely as strong as we think. And sometimes it doesn't matter. Sometimes we (or our clients) delete the wrong file or make a change that breaks something. Ever trigger a fatal error from a bad plugin? Crashes happen. But with BackupBuddy, recovering from a problem is quick and easy.

文章最后由 reishi 在 2016-12-06, 19:12 编辑
编辑原因: 更新下载地址

十一月 15 2016年
Yoast SEO Premium v3.3.3 - SEO优化插件高级版
Yoast SEO 插件 这个插件是 Joost de Valk 和他的团队为了提供你的 Wordoress 在 SEO 所需的所有方面,这个 WordPress SEO 插件照顾更多的方面,比如技术的优化,首先帮助您编写更好的内容,WordPress SEO 迫使你选择重点关键字,当你写你的文章,然后将确保您使用该焦点关键字无处不在。

